Career Services and Programs
The International Institute's job training and placement services are free and available to all refugees in addition to immigrants who meet income requirements. Click Here for more details
C.N.A. , Housekeeping, and Sewing training are likewise free to refugees and immigrants who meet income requirements. Immigrants who earn too much to qualified for free services can still join the classes by paying the fees listed. Click Here for more details
Career Advancement for International Professionals (CAIP) is open to all foreign-born or foreign-educated in the region who have attained a post-secondary degree or have extensive work histories and are interested in becoming certified in their field in the state of Missouri.
Blueprint4Careers was launched in 2019 through a partnership with the Clark-Fox Family Foundation and the United Way of Greater St. Louis. It is a free career exploration guide for training programs that can launch you into a successful, high-demand skilled career. You will be able to do career program search by keywords and categories such as bioscience, culinary, and information technology. Click Here for more details.
Stl.works is your resource for learning about all the benefits of skilled careers (aka jobs that don’t require a Bachelor’s degree), the different paths available to you, and the resources in our city that can help you gain the skills you need to get a job that you’ll love. Click Here for more details.