Ambassador Schools

Holy Trinity Catholic School Action Items

Holy Trinity Catholic School

St. Louis Mosaic Ambassador School

Holy Trinity Catholic School currently engages in a number of actions that create a more internationally friendly school environment:

1. Holds annual presentation highlighting the contributions of different cultures such as "Words from the Drum" by Kunama Mtendaji, which includes singing, dancing and story- telling using music and dance originating from Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean

2. Spanish is taught as a core subject from grades K-8

3. Offers a Hispanic liaison for families and students 

4. Has a bilingual secretary (English/Spanish)

5. 30% student body is of Hispanic heritage 

Holy Trinity's School Staff has the following international teaching experience:

1. Second grade teacher completed student teaching in Fu Xin, China

2. Fifth grade homeroom teacher spent a year teaching English in Japan

3. English Tutoring Project teacher worked for 10 years in a school in Cochabamba, Bolivia 

Actions items:

1. Begin a "Madrinas Program," or mentorship program for students

2. Will increase the English Tutoring Project teacher to full time to accommodate all students in need of English language acquisition

3. Preference will be given to bilingual candidates for teaching and staff positions

4. The School website will demonstrate a multi-cultural community through culturally diverse imagery and Spanish content

5. Will Co-market Mosaic initiatives in publications on the school website and by sharing materials with families 

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