Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School
St. Louis Mosaic Ambassador School
Action items:
- Distribute materials for the St. Louis Mosaic Project, both to make international families aware of services and to recruit new Mosaic Project Ambassadors
- Write three annual online stories that connect MICDS actions to the goals of the St. Louis Mosaic Project to welcome international families
- Host international parent coffees regularly throughout the school year to welcome new international families and provide them with a supportive parent community that can help them adjust to American life and life at MICDS
- Hold passport lecture series and coffee hour for international families to educate the greater MICDS community about their home country, culture, and traditions
- Have regular Upper School International Council meetings, a student-led activity group with a focus on increasing cultural awareness on campus
- Work with St. Louis area organizations to support their efforts regarding international families, including Casa de Salud and the International Institute
- Hold a biennial on-campus school-wide multi-cultural event, The MICDS International Expo, that celebrates the many cultures represented by MICDS families
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