Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Action Items:
- Actively participate in the Mosaic's International Spouse Program and the International Mentoring Program, as well as the Professional Connectors Program
- Serve on the Mosaic Steering Committee (Stephanie Regagnon, the Executive Director of Innovation Partnerships)
- Diverse representations of community members within Danforth Center and BRDG Park (29 countries)
- Amplify the achievements of its international talent, highlight successful grants and research programs developed by international associates
- Hire F-1international students in STEM fields for internships and offer OPT/OPT-STEM programs
- Hire International scholars with J-1 visas through the University of Missouri
- Sponsor work visas
- Hold internal events to celebrate holidays in different cultures
- Bring in international investors, farmers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to tackle important questions in AgTech