International Institute of St. Louis information about Syrian Refugee Crisis
Syrians & the World Wide Refugee Crisis PowerPoint Presentation.
Security Screening of Refugees Admitted to the United States: A Detailed, Rigorus Process
Syrian Refugee Crisis and Resettlement - A Statement from the International Institute of St. Louis - November 17, 2015
News Coverage and Press Release
International Institute of St. Louis Helping Syrian Refugees - West End Word - November 4, 2015
Video: Syria's war: A 5-minute history
Ten Facts About U.S. Refugee Resettlement Migration Policy Institute - October 2015
'St. Louis is now home:' The stories of two Syrians who have settled here - St. Louis Public Radio - October 8, 2015
Press Release: Cities United for Immigration Action organized and coordinated a group of 18 mayors from across the country to join forces and sign onto a letter to President Obama, urging to increase the number of Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. - September 30, 2015
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