TedX St. Louis Women: Two Steps Forward will include Mosaic Exec. Dir., Betsy Cohen
TedXSt. LouisWomen - Fri., Oct. 27
Walk forward with confidence
We all know that when it comes to global gender equity, there's still so much work to be done. It's time to reset, to rethink, to collectively imagine different ways forward.
This year we’ll joyfully celebrate those taking bold strides into the future, those working unapologetically to make big dreams become reality. Whether working on new models of equity and inclusion or blazing trails as pioneers, this year's speakers demonstrate luminous new thinking and ideas designed to enchant, uplift and inspire us all.
Mosaic's Exec. Dir., Betsy Cohen, will take the stage to talk about why immigrants are important to our communities and economies, with their compelling skills and stories.