About a year after the U.S. ended its war in Afghanistan, thousands of Afghans – individuals and families – have resettled and dispersed throughout the U.S., where they’re expected to acclimate to a foreign language, land and culture.

New Nonprofit Helps Afghan Refugees Resettling in and around St. Louis
During the U.S. exit operation, more than 100,000 people were evacuated, according to The Associated Press, with about 78,000 Afghans admitted into the U.S. About 600 refugees have moved into the St. Louis metro area, according to the nonprofit resettlement agency, International Institute of St. Louis. Many of them arrived last fall having nothing but a backpack full of belongings and their paperwork.
In less than a year, a group of locals founded HumanKIND STL, a nonprofit organization to help meet the refugees’ needs.Click here for more.